St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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Todholes Road, Cleator Moor, Cumbria, CA25 5DG

01946 810 513

St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Together we are growing in God's love

Welcome to Year 6!


In Year 6, we are taught by Mr Reid, Miss Rickerby,  Miss Wilkinson, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Woodburn.

We love to learn and enjoy working hard. We study a range of topics and read some fantastic books! We are always looking to improve our learning, and are amazing at working together. Below is information about what we are learning, our homework, and general information (letters and PE days!)

Year 6 Curriculum Overview


  • This page will have all of your homework tasks. Homework is given on a Wednesday and should be returned on a Monday; it should be completed in your homework book.

  • Homework should be of the same standard as in school - use a ruler and a blue or black pen. If you need any of these, please ask your teacher. 

  • All homework tasks are available in the file list below. 

  • You will have a weekly Spelling task. You will have a weekly spelling test linked to this task. The spellings can also be practised on Spellingframe.

  • Should you need any support, please speak to your teacher BEFORE FRIDAY. 

 If homework is not completed, you will be at a disadvantage because we use it to support our learning in school.

Websites to support learning at home

Maths Support

BBC Bitesize Revision

Timestables Rockstars

IXL Maths and English Revision

KS2 Maths Quizzes

Practice KS2 Maths Questions

General Information 

PE: Tuesdays and Thursdays

SATs: 13-16th May

Manchester Residential: 22-24th May

Learning in Action!